In my years of martial arts training, I have learned from a lot of different teachers, from a lot of different styles. Most of these teachers only demonstrate the physical level of the techniques. Training with Thong, I immediately noticed that he teaches from the inside out.
He very sensitively guides the students to experience more of the feeling of a technique, rather than just its physical form. He also emphasizes how to receive techniques in a very sensitive manner, which he calls Smart Resistance. This is very important in order to develop both the students application and feeling for the technique.
I have experienced many styles of martial arts, but I have not studied them as deeply as Thong has. He has a tremendous knowledge of how to move all the different parts of the body naturally. He shares with his students how to use their minds to move the bodies in a most relaxed manner.
Not only with Thong’s words but through his actions, he demonstrates the importance of respect for others. Thong has so much to offer everyone on so many different levels.
~ Yoshi Shibata Sensei
Extensive background in Karate, Ogawa ryu, Yawara, Judo, Jujitsu and Aikijujitsu. Over 25 years of practicing, teaching and researching Aikido, Self-Defence. Teaches at University of California Santa Cruz