I trained with Thong in May 2014, during a three-day seminar near Sacramento, California. Thong taught how to stayed connected and relaxed while under stress…. then freedom and ki emerges. His beautiful martial arts style is soft, yet very powerful.
However, even with his intense martial skills, I always felt safe training with Thong, because he always displayed respect and humility during the seminar.
And his personal behavior is consistent with his seminar teachings. Since that seminar, I’ve continued to communicate with Thong. He always shares the importance of honesty, integrity, and discipline, as he continues to be very supportive of who I am and my aikido path.
Thong’s path is much more than a martial art….it’s the true budo path of continuous evolution – Kaizen Tao.
Thanks for being who you are, Thong!
~ Clifford Bernstein, PhD
Trained Aikido since 1978 under Frank Doran Sensei and Robert Nadeau Sensei. Currently trains with Tom Gambell Sensei at East Bay Aikido