Classically, the “scientist” seeks to reveal and understand relationships that exist within the natural world and the “artist” forms and expresses new relationships from previously existing ones. It is rare that you find a person who demonstrates both and is capable of transcending beyond conventional labeling within contemporary martial arts training – especially in transmitting that insight to others. And yet, what appears to be so effortlessly presented by Thong Nguyen within the recently released “KaizenTao – Private Lesson with Professor Steve Kardian,” is the emergence of mastery through a return to a natural state.
What I love about Thong Nguyen’s style & manner of instruction is that it is not merely “cerebral” (pre-frontal cortex) through theory, memorization and analysis, but goes directly to the basil ganglia – through increased physical awareness and personal experience during a guided process of self-discovery, resulting in a dynamic shift of perspective. This is usually accompanied by the exclamation of “Wow!” resulting from the participant’s naturally occurring kinesthetic feedback. We comprehend this change through a process of actually FEELing, of re-learning structural linkages, balance, alignment, relaxation, breath control – as prior conditioning (training & experience), expectations and misunderstanding/application of fundamental principles are clarified or entirely removed. Proper, holistic instruction does that – it does not confine, limit, confuse or obstruct – it liberates, transcending that which would otherwise hinder through resistance, tension, ineffectiveness and inefficiency. In place of contention and competition with an opponent, a collaborative relationship is formed that yields an ever increasing capacity for options, while maintaining and advancing tactical initiative, as if by “magic.”
This video presentation is invaluable for the insights it provides and something much more… a reaffirmation of commitment to the process of continuous and never-ending learning, as both martial scientist and artist, championed by Professor Steve Kardian and his experience of KaizenTao firsthand. Regardless of our level of experience or training, we are always the lifelong student in the quest for truth, personal expression and the realization of our potential within the world… on the “Path to Continual Growth.”
~ Mitch Boudrot currently serves as the Law Enforcement Training Program (LETP) Director and Tactical Operations Coordinator/Instructor at the Southwestern Community College – Division of Public Safety Training Center, located in Franklin, North Carolina. His cumulative training and experience includes service as a state, county, municipal law enforcement officer & supervisor with consistently increasing administrative and supervisory responsibilities in the areas of academy and field instruction, investigations, SWAT operations & command, critical intervention, recruitment, public information & education, media relations, program development & implementation since 1987, and continues to serve within the capacities of Deputy Sheriff and Police Officer. Mitch began formal study & training in martial arts around the age of seven. He was awarded instructor (Sifu) rank advancements by Bernard A. Geary through the Pa Lung Pai, Member of the Republic of China Martial Arts Association (RCMAA), in Kuo Su Shaolin (Sil Lum) in 1982 and T’ai Ch’i Ch’uan (Yang Family) in 1983, and was authorized to study and instruct Northern Shaolin Ch’ang Ch’uan and Southern Sil Lum systems, as well as studied and instructed for the Taoist Tai Chi Society. In 1982, Mitch was a 1982 Kung Fu Hall of Fame – Kung Fu Instructor nominee (Inside Kung Fu, November 1982). Mitch continues his formal and informal studies within the following styles/systems: Kasumi-An To-Shin Do through founder (An-Shu) Stephen K. Hayes, Togakure Ryu Ninpo Tai Jutsu, through Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi’s Bujinkan, including Carey “Bud” Malmstrom, Richard Von Donk and Jim McFarland, Russian Systema Vladimir Vasiliev, Ip Man lineage Wing Chun Kung Fu through Sam Hing Fai Chan, and is a certified instructor for KubaJitsu through Sensei Tom Crone. Other systems that have influenced Mitch through his personal/professional exposure and training include: Chinese San Shou, grappling concepts through Stephan Kesting, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy, Israeli Commando Krav-Maga, Filipino Escrima/Arnis de mano, (Tony) Blauer Tactical/S.P.E.A.R. Systems, W. Hock Hochheim Combatives, Jerry L. Peterson’s SCARS Institute of Combat Sciences, and the pioneering work of the late Sensei Robert K. Koga. Mitch is an Associate Member of the Police Survival and Defense Institute (PSDI) National Training Center with studies under the direction of Carl D. Wilcox, Ph. D., Peter Freer, M. Ed., Shaun L. Ward, Jeff Rhodes, Ron Layton, Ph.D., Rick Fike, Grandmaster Rick Moneymaker and Robert “Coach” Lindsey. He is a North Carolina Certified Specialized Instructor in Subject Control/Arrest Techniques (SC/AT), including other specialty certifications, through the North Carolina Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and appointed member of the North Carolina Basic Law Enforcement Training SC/AT Revision Committee.