About Ole Kingston
Ole Kingston Jensen has been training in the Daitō-ryū Jūjutsu Roppokai for over 28½ years. He was the most senior non-Tokyo member of the Roppokai, as well as the highest ranking non-Japanese member. He was promoted to the rank of 4th Dan and Jun-Dairi-Kyoju (sub-teaching license) by Soshi Seigo Okamoto. 10 October , 2002. Ole also happens to be completely paralyzed from the chest down. Shortly after his 16th birthday, on December 30, 1975 while riding his bicycle in Copenhagen Ole was hit by a car. Since that time he has lived in a wheelchair. Despite this, perhaps unbelievably for those who are unfamiliar with Roppokai Aiki techniques, he trains and instructs, executing throws while he wheels about. A friend and Ole saw a video of Okamoto Sensei in an exhibition of several martial arts styles and said, "Ole, if he can do it you can too." The next day they visited the club and enrolled October 1, 1986. Ole has a tattoo of a wild boar and the kanji for the year of the boar. He was born in the year of the boar and the actual kanji character was written by Okamoto Sensei. On the other arm, is "Benkei" a historical Japanese character renowned for his strength, who was the loyal vassal of Minamoto Yoshitsune. Ole got the tattoo because Okamoto Sensei once told him, "You are like Benkei." In Daitō-ryū and Aikido the kihon (basic) waza you do nearly the same technique, but in aikido they tend to soften the waza. In Daitō-ryū the basis is jujutsu and techniques are done as jujutsu and it is a bit hard on the opponent. In Daitō-ryū, later you use aikinage (aiki throw) to make the basics more fluid and more soft in nature, and use aiki to break the opponent's balance and then finish off with jujutsu: kime, katame, shime, etc. In aikijujutsu, it seems that that part in particular is more like aikido. But, in Aikido you tend to move around the opponent rather than moving the opponent around you, which you do in Aikijujutsu. Also in the Roppokai the waza are many times smaller than in Aikido, and the Aiki no jutsu [compiled of nuki aiki (releasing aiki), tome aiki (stopping aiki), fure aiki (touching aiki), aikizeme (aiki attack), aikime (eye aiki), hiki and zeme (pull and attack), kokyu (breath), circular motion and conditioned reflex] are of great importance to executing small waza. After Okamoto sensei's passing in January 2015 , Ole Kinston's group chose not to continue with the new version of Roppokai since Okamoto sensei had not appointed a successor. His organization based in Denmark is now called Daitō-ryū Jūjutsu Enryukai: Circle flow association.
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