Many confuse the terms but they're distinctly different and important to understand. Power frees and unbinds movement, whereas Force can easily get blocked and restricted. Power is stable, energetic, endlessly emanating. It is stillness in relaxed...
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We've been seeing a disturbing rash of assaults against the Asian community. What makes these racial crimes especially appalling is that they're targeted at elderly and infirm Asians. Those least able to defend themselves. That was,...
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Some travel tips I give to active professionals heading into hot zones or sketchy destinations around the world. They also apply for any high crime area as well. 1) Familiarize yourself with the entry and exit...
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Someone once asked if KaizenTao utilizes kicks and if I had ever heard of one called, the 'question mark' kick used in the UFC. We have kicks but I'd never heard of one called Question Mark...
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Photo courtesy: "The New Super Power For Women", Simon & Schuster I've had the great honor and privilege of meeting some of the world's finest subject matter experts. Professor Kardian ranks among the finest of the...
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Due to the overwhelming success of today's release of "Prof. Steve Kardian's Private Class" video, KaizenTao Fans from all over the world jammed VimeoPro's servers. For a brief time when we launched no one was able...
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Jim Tran came to me for private lessons to improve his fighting skills and to get in shape. He had a background in Vietnamese Kung Fu, MMA, and BJJ under Ryan Hall. Jim possessed above average...
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Got a feedback from Ryan Bertrand, a PCS (Progressive Combat Solutions) Instructor I'd met at the USAF Raven Special Forces training at Joint Base Ft. Dix-McGuire-Lakehurst. I'd given Ryan some adjustments to improve his already superb...
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Originally written February 2012 Disclaimer: All techniques shown require professional supervision and are solely intended for information. Due to the flood of interests I've received over the "Knuckle Crushers" video, a more in-depth explanation seems in...
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Try this relaxation practice during your Social-Distancing. When students ask how I can tell a person's skill without having touched them, I reply that it's fairly simple. I just watch them performing common, every day tasks...
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What People Say…
To all the faithful followers of Sensei Thong Nguyen,
I have been fortunate in my life to have had the opportunities to travel to many parts of the world and see life from numerous perspectives. (more…)
Robert Koga Sensei
Founder of Koga Institute, Chief DT Instructor LAPD 25 yrs. -
If I were going to try and encapsulate the meaning and implications of KaizenTao, it would be to be perfectly human.
Introspection and accurate self-evaluation is required for constant growth, improvement, and specific skill building. (more…)
Classically, the “scientist” seeks to reveal and understand relationships that exist within the natural world and the “artist” forms and expresses new relationships from previously existing ones. It is rare that you find a person who demonstrates both (more…)
In my years of martial arts training, I have learned from a lot of different teachers, from a lot of different styles. Most of these teachers only demonstrate the physical level of the techniques. Training with Thong, I immediately noticed that he teaches from the inside out. (more…)
Yoshi Shibata Sensei
Aikido, Karate, Ogawa ryu, Yawara, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikijujitsu -
Please allow me to share something that touches me very much. I’m writing this with a mind that is still racing, but in a very positive way. This morning at around 3am, I came home from a two day seminar with Thong Sensei. (more…)
Norbert G. Matausch
Kyokushinkai Karate, Wing Tsun, Systema, Senshido -
I have been around martial arts for a few decades. After a decade in Asian Arts, including a good amount of Aikido, I spent a decade playing Capoeira. Then most recent decade was training in Systema (more…)
I started Systema in 2005 at a seminar of Mikhail Ryabko in Augsburg, which impressed me very much. After that, I learned with a small Systema group in Munich and took seminars and occasional private lessons from Andreas Weitzel. I had a feeling I’d learned a lot during these last couple of years and built up some very solid skills and knowledge… Until I got in contact with KaizenTao. (more…)
Alexander Schilgen
Judo, Karate, Wing Chun, Latosa Escrima, Systema -
I’m a VP at a very large US Defense Contractor. My job is extremely stressful, and takes me to very austere environments around the globe. I originally came to Thong seeking to gain more confidence in my abilities to protect myself and loved ones. (more…)
The mental aspects of human conflict permeate all components of class and lay the foundation for the lessons learned during each session. Thong has a fun and genuine group of people spanning a wide spectrum from professionals at the forefront (more…)
Major Matt Van Echo
Battalion Cmdr. Instructor Basic School USMC, Quantico VA -
I began training with Mr. Thong Nguyen three years ago and in that time it’s been an excellent journey of discovery, not only of martial arts, but of concepts that are applicable to daily life.Thong’s teaching style is (more…)
Scott Kelley
Chief Warrant Officer 4, U.S. Army -
I have had the pleasure of training with Mr. Thong Nguyen both as part of a group and on an individual basis. Mr. Nguyen’s extensive martial arts background combined with his other athletic pursuits (dance, cycling, rock climbing) creates a unique learning (more…)
Lieutenant D.G
Police Officer, DC Metro Area -
I am most fortunate to have studied several martial arts under the direction of tremendous instructors. However, until happening upon Mr. Thong Nguyen, I never felt any single art addressed all aspects of self-awareness or self-defense. (more…)
Brian Schmidt
BJJ Instructor Criminal Justice Academy, Fairfax, VA -
I just met Thong at the “Three Paths One Journey” seminar hosted by Aikido of Roseville. To prepare for the workshop I took a tour of you tube to view as many videos as I could find.Although Thong’s approach is not “traditional Aikido” (more…)
I live in Buenos Aires, Argentine, where I work as psychiatrist. I found KaizenTao website by chance, around 2010, during my pursuit of further instruction. I´ve been into Aikido (Tohei Style, then Yoshigasaki Sensei Organization) for decades,actually holding 3rd degree black belt. (more…)
Dr. Adrian Kertesz
Sandan under Koichi Tohei Shihan, Ki Society, Tai Chi Wang -
I am from Mexico City. I started training PHYSICALY MA 35 years ago. 15 years ago in 1999 my REAL MA training started when I met my mentor Robert Koga, this was precisely the reason I met Thong. (more…)
Josafath Herrera
Trainer of LE, Bodyguards and Military in Mexico -
Joining KaizenTao is a life changing event. In retrospect, I was like a frog living in a well and thought that the sky was this BIG, only as big as the size of my place. Now though I am still the frog but I have come to learn (more…)
Mitchell Wu
Tai Chi Practitioner 40+ years -
The longer I train with Mr. Thong Nguyen the broader and deeper the ramifications of his teaching. The training has had a major impact in all areas of my life, affecting not only my other martial training and teaching, but also my work, sense of self (more…)
Nick Kiritz
Chief Instructor Georgetown Aikikai, Godan ASU -
Being a teacher of mathematics I’m well-aware of the challenges faced in teaching a powerful tool grounded in fundamentals which must be practiced until they are mastered.The teacher must be knowledgeable and capable at all levels (more…)
Dr. Justin Wyss-Gallifent
Senior Lecturer, Mathematics UMCP, Contact Improv Dancer -
The martial arts training I’ve received under Mr. Thong Nguyen is the best combativestraining program I’ve ever seen. I’ve never found any martial art this complete. As a Marine we need to be both physically fit and ready for combat at any moment and KaizenTao helps (more…)
Lance Corporal Jon Skeens
USMC, Muay Thai, Shodan Aikido Schools of Ueshiba -
KaizenTao, as taught by Mr. Thong Nguyen, is magical, joyous and astonishing indeed. Thong assures your safety first, then opens up your abilities in multiplicitous ways you would never have even conceived.Gentle, precise and self-effacing, Thong’s personal touch
Dr. Percy Walcott
Master Taiji, Tae Kwon Do, Judo Master Yang, Sandan ASU -
I’ve trained in various martial arts since I was eight years old; however, I almost always felt as if tradition, secrecy, and closed minds obscured the fundamental value and true application of the techniques. When I was fortunate enough to find Mr. Thong Nguyen’s KaizenTao classes, (more…)
Thomas Brennan
Shaolin Hung Fut, TKD, Shackle Hands, Kupigana Ngumi -
I trained with Thong in May 2014, during a three-day seminar near Sacramento, California. Thong taught how to stayed connected and relaxed while under stress…. then freedom and ki emerges. His beautiful martial arts style is soft, yet very powerful.
Cliff Bernstein
Trained Aikido since 1978 under Frank Doran Sensei